Manual Small Incision
A film outlining Dr Henry R Lew’s preferred technique for performing manual small incision cataract surgery. This particular case was filmed in the mid-1990s.
Trabeculectomy Healon (Long Version)
A lengthy film (approximately 37 minutes) from 2002, outlining Dr Henry R Lew’s preferred technique for performing ‘Combined Trabeculectomy/Cyclodialysis with Healon retained and augmented with 5FU’. The last few minutes of the film discuss a patient who recovered significant visual field following this procedure. This film was originally presented together with Prof. A. C. (Tony) Molteno at the RANZCO Annual Conference in Auckland, New Zealand in 2003.
Trabeculectomy Healon (Short Version)
A shorter edited version of the 2002 film (approximately 8 minutes), outlining Dr Henry R Lew’s preferred technique for performing ‘Combined Trabeculectomy/Cyclodialysis with Healon retained and augmented with 5FU’.
Trabeculectomy Op
An earlier film from 1990 (approximately 17 minutes), outlining Dr Henry R Lew’s preferred technique at that time when performing ‘Combined Trabeculectomy/Cyclodialysis with Healon retained and augmented with 5FU’.
Undeniable Recovery of Glaucomatous Visual Field Loss
This film (approximately 8 minutes), discusses undeniable recovery of glaucomatous visual field in a patient on whom Dr Henry R Lew performed ‘Combined Trabeculectomy/Cyclodialysis with Healon retained and augmented with 5FU’. This took place during the early and mid-1990s, a time at which glaucoma experts tended to deny that this was possible.